Sunday, 6 January 2008


2008: day six.

We have had a fantastic Christmas, New Year and every day since!!
Bethany had such wonderful presents, such beautiful smiles and it was so enjoyable being three this year! Ryan has since returned to work, and now me and Beth are adjusting to lighter fun, awaiting 5pm for Daddy to return with fun and games. That sounds like we are so chilled when we're home alone. Not so. We, me and Bethany are doing so well, we even ventured out to the sales - quite a task when I finally got there and realised I had left my wallet at home! Well, we bake, chat, read, play, walk, meet other mummies, see our families and chatter, chatter, giggle, laugh, chuckle, roll, play baby gym, do ballet moves, clean and do the washing. Oh and we spend a little while each day leaning how to fall asleep with out any 'props' as the Baby Whisperer so kindly advises. The less about that the better!

Just wanted to put a tiny blog in as it has been almost forever since I last wrote, we are having the time of our life, loving the best bits and learning, every day learning, and loving. I can hear the baby. My baby. Wow. This time last year we had a bean of a baby - you should see the scan!!! And now, today she is almost TWENTY ONE weeks old, and almost 21 pounds. She eats (food) three times a day like a real person. She brings us so much joy, this is one incredible journey, and we are delighted that God has blessed us with so much.

Love, and hope your 2008 is full of wonder.

Anna, Ryan and beautiful Bethany xoxo

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Dear Diary....

We love life, love friends, and will love our new little family. It's an online 'dear diary' the blog of Ryan, Anna and our baby. Well, Anna really as Ryan has to go to work, and as much as I know Bethany is a genius, she is strugling to type at present!