Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Seven Weeks

Seven weeks, 49 days, 1176 hours. How quickly it has passed, and how full of memories! We are loving our family life, everyday is so full. Bethany is taking her first morning nap in her whole life! She has grown so much and added love, laughter and well more fun to our lives. She loves noise. The adventure of finding out what she does and doesn't like, what makes her smile, what makes her stop. What causes her to snuggle up and how she responds to new faces is all part of the delight!

She loves meeting new people and being cuddled, and she is particularly enjoying her African friends. We do tell her that she is half African, she coos to that. I cannot wait to take her to Africa, we have found out that we can go next Feb/March to be part of a Missions Trip to Cape Town! How exciting. It took me 23 years before I finally made it to the continent and I feel like it asks for a piece of your heart. I gave it. And cannot wait to return next year! Who's have thought I'd have married an African? Okay a Zimbabwean (and no, that's not a small town in South Africa wink wink!).

I have been photographing Bethany pretty much everyday and here are some recent shots of her, she is smiling so beautifully, but often those photos can't be taken as she changes her pose way too quickly - are we sure she’s a Baker girl!? The time me and my sister have spent trying to have 'decent' pictures of us smiling and looking equally beautiful has so far been in vain. But one day that picture will be taken!! [ okay so will have to get Ryan to help me with this, first time on my new white MacBook! It is another great addition to our family.. but I am still learning the language of 'apple', sorry about that, the pictures are really lovely!]

Life is so exciting, we are thanking God for His provision and abundance for our lives. We are out with family today. Bethany and I and my Mum (is that Grandma, Granny, Nanny...? Not sure what fits quite yet, and as Bethany isn't quite pronouncing her name very clearly, we've got a few more days to decide!!) are meeting up with my aunty, cousin and her two little ones. One was born on Beth's due date, so that will be a lot of fun,

Okay so I can hear baby B now... Time for cuddles! Axxx

Dear Diary....

We love life, love friends, and will love our new little family. It's an online 'dear diary' the blog of Ryan, Anna and our baby. Well, Anna really as Ryan has to go to work, and as much as I know Bethany is a genius, she is strugling to type at present!